Christopher Watt (YG 1948)
10 October 2016
We are sad to hear of the death of Christopher Watt on 28th September 2016 in Prescott, Arizona, aged 87. He attended the school from 1943-46.
His brother Nigel has written:
His career was unusual. Leaving school at Form 5 he started as an actor in repertory theatres around the country and was soon promoted to stage manager (at Blackpool and briefly at the London Palladium). Unhappy with post-war austerity, he was tempted by America, working at the 1951 Festival of Britain before emigrating in1952. Arriving in New York he got a job teaching ballroom dancing (which he had not been very good at at Walden) and training in modern dancing. He was a big fan of Gene Kelly.
Then he got drafted into the US army (though he had already been a C.O. in England). Luckily there was no war on and he got into the entertainment department. When he was released he joined Roswietha, the German girl he had met on the boat going out, in Cleveland, Ohio and they got married. They moved on to Los Angeles where he worked his way up from a page to a director of news programmes on NBC television. He had a huge collection of Hornby model trains and on his retirement he found a house with a suitably large basement to hold his layout. (He also like real trains but there are none near Prescott!). He leaves Rosweitha, his son Raymond and daughter Frances and three granddaughters.
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